
SYNOPSYS™15.74 版本发布

The update to version 15.74 incorporates the following changes:


1.A new material has been added to the U catalog. SAPBIREF is a birefringent version of sapphire.

2.The MMO dialog now has a button for the WMODEL version of DMODEL.

Bugs Fixed:

1.Multicore footprints turned on quiet mode, but failed to turn it off afterward.

2.THERM did not honor an immersed object. Also, thermal shadowing did not work correctly with DOE surfaces such as type USS 16.

3.PSPRD M ... did not work correctly if the lens had only a single wavelength defined.

4.USE CURRENT + DWG, which annotates an assembly drawing with tolerances, listed the airspace following a cemented element twice.

5.USE CURRENT + DSEARCH no longer leaves a CSTOP in effect if the stop is not in the retained portion. it also deletes any WAP 2 or 3 that is in effect.